Emily McCaughey had an out-of-this-world experience attending the first annual Contact and Disclosure Symposium. The Toronto Metropolitan University student admitted that she learned so much from volunteering at the event on April 20, as she held the microphone for guests as they asked speakers questions at the Offworld Bar. “Even […]
Organizers hope Contact and Disclosure Symposium becomes annual event
Four members of the Ontario UFO community came together to uncover why Canada, and Toronto specifically, doesn’t have a UAP-related conference. Their summation was “WTF?” Hypnotherapist and New York State ex-pat, Lesley Mitchell-Clarke, experiencer and Contact TV co-host Wes Roberts, director of Sasquatch Ontario, Mike Paterson and film producer Greg […]
Cabbagetown Tunnel Monster tale continues to intrigue forty years later
A city’s subterranean secrets are fertile soil to grow urban legends. Think of the alligators in the New York sewage system, arguably the most famous urban legend of them all. Toronto too has its share of urban legends, and many of them are set beneath the city’s streets. Some follow […]
UFO investigator Ryan Stacey stresses prudence when analyzing CADORS data
Everything reported through the Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System (CADORS) in 2021 can be explained. That’s the conclusion UFO and UAP investigator Ryan Stacey drew while analyzing the data provided by the Department of National Defence and Transport Canada. And if there are any lingering questions, then that’s when […]
Review: Avi Loeb’s Extraterrestrial is required reading for his follow-up, Interstellar
Knowing that there is intelligent life beyond our planet should be the impetus to better ourselves. That’s the message Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science at Harvard, Avi Loeb, wants you to take away from his experience with interstellar object, ‘Oumuamua. His second book, Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial […]
Halifax Paranormal Symposium planners hope to make it an annual event
Halifax is going to witness its first paranormal conference in 17 years, and it’s something planners want to make a historical repeater. Elliott Van Dusen, president of Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation (PPRI), is collaborating with Dr. Darryll Walsh, executive director of the Centre for Parapsychological Studies in Canada, on […]
UFO researcher revises TESA website to open dialogue with journalists
Sharing the stories of experiencers is still a top priority for UFO researcher Ryan Stacey, but he’s taking a new approach to topics like full disclosure on his website. It all came to fruition after an investigative trip to North Bay ended up drawing the curiosity of military law enforcement […]
Ottawa writer explores deeper issues of UFOs, conspiracies in Search for the Unknown
Writer and Northern Lakes College professor Matthew Hayes never expected the research he did for his Ph.D. to become so relevant. He believed his subject matter of Canadian UFO events from the 1950s to the early 1990s would be a fun deep dive into Canada’s history of the unknown. But […]
Toronto abductee Wes Roberts revisits past hypnotherapy sessions with second book
Experiencer Wes Roberts had never listened to the MP3s of all his hypnosis sessions before he started writing his second book, An Experiencer’s Garden. The Toronto native, and teacher, opened up about being an abductee in his first book Intersections, and now he’s compiled his sessions that he had hypnotherapist […]
The Debrief team adds Canadian element to UFO conference
Canada was well represented at the 30th Annual International UFO Congress and Film Festival which ran from Sept. 7 to Sept. 12. Winnipeg-based editor-in-chief, and co-founder of the Debrief, MJ Banias, joined his team members to discuss a year in UFO news via a virtual panel on the conference’s last […]