Author: Brian Baker

Ghosts, Parapsychology

New podcast Supernatural Circumstances looks at paranormal with fresh set of eyes

Vancouver-based podcaster Mike Browne quotes the X-Files’ Fox Mulder casually one Sunday afternoon while on a Zoom call. “I want to believe,” he says, with a chuckle, as he and paranormal researcher Morgan Knudsen play off of each other when explaining their new podcast series Supernatural Circumstances. Browne, 52, confesses […]


Nova Scotian paranormal duo to share haunted collection, stories with Haligonians

The Paranormal Phenomena Research and Investigation team of Darryl Walsh and Elliott Van Dusen will chew the fat with Haligonians over their collection of curiosities and haunted artifacts this October. Hauntings: Exploring Apparitions, Poltergeists and Demons will be an evening dinner lecture where the duo will present their paranormal findings […]


In-person ghost tours return to Old Fort Erie

Old Fort Erie has a few tales to share about its run-ins with American troops during the War of 1812 and the Fenians who decided to raid the fort in 1866. And through Niagara Parks, the historical battlefield is reviving its popular Friday Night Frights Ghost Tour to share these […]


Brockville’s Fulford Place to host online ghost tour

Brockville’s Fulford Place is looking to scare up some viewers for its second virtual summer ghost tour of the season. Summer student Brianna Hayden, who attends Carleton University for social work, teamed with ghost tour narrator David Cody to pull together the Ontario Heritage Trust location’s popular event. Cody has […]


UFO investigator stresses importance of primary sources, collaboration with release of 2020 survey

UFO investigator Ryan Stacey’s greatest concern for the 2020 Canadian Current Event Survey was the heightened amount of misinformation, disinformation and confirmation biases surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in Canada. Other organizations compile data from various sources, and Stacey’s hope is that everyone from MUFON and independent researchers can bring all […]