Dr. Joe Nickell, perhaps the most famous skeptical investigator of paranormal phenomena, passed away this week at the age of 80. For more than four decades, Nickell investigated UFO sightings, holy relics, cryptids, ghosts, and other anomalous occurrences. He was the author of dozens of books on the subject, including […]
BC investigator explores Paranormal Theories with new podcast
When one door closes, another one opens — and that’s not just poltergeist activity. For Kamloops native and investigator Jason Hewlett, an open door has led to a new podcast exploring the paranormal origin stories of fellow explorers of the uncanny and the theories behind them. Paranormal Theories will delve […]
Vancouver podcaster Mike Browne channels the uncanny in second book
As we get older, we often lose some of that wonder we had when we were children. With the release of Mike Browne’s second book, Strange, Spooky and Supernatural, he revisits the sense of wonder from his youth, this time examining the stories that once captivated him through older eyes. […]
Halifax Paranormal Symposium, Kim Moser return for second annual show
The road to the second annual Paranormal Symposium has been paved with ghost stories and ticket giveaways for a lucky few. This was the strategy used by Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation President Elliott Van Dusen to generate excitement for the event. “At each public event we’ve travelled to across […]
Oddities and Curiosities Expo exhumes Toronto’s ghoulish spirit
On June 15, a mentalist stood on the stage at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for the Oddities and Curiosities Expo holding a small cloche bell jar with what appeared to be the charred remains of a monkey’s paw. Seated to Mysterion’s left was an old doll named Walt. And […]
Increased openness to witchcraft has allowed occult shops to grow
Not everyone welcomes occult bookstores with open arms in Canada. There is still a surprising amount of stigma associated with those who sell wares relating to the metaphysical. “Satanic panic was in the ‘80s and it’s still a mindset that a lot of people have,” Lex Veld-Martul says, seated in […]
Kitchener author links Class B Sasquatch encounters to poltergeists in book
Class B encounters in the wilds of North America have always been attributed to Sasquatch. But what if there was something else responsible for the tree knocks, thrown rocks and strange structures encountered in the forest across the continent? Author Travis Watson, who writes under the pen name W.T. Watson, […]
Shawn Leonard’s self-discovery started with one big push
When you have specific experiences that you learn from, that wisdom is meant to be shared. Especially when it’s part of a transformative process. That’s the driving force behind medium and TV personality Shawn Leonard’s book Spirit Talker: Indigenous Stories and Teachings from a Mi’kmaq Psychic Medium. Leonard had always […]
Angel Morgan’s Beyond the Veil brings comfort to those seeking solace
“You’re vibrationally challenged.” Quick with wit, clairvoyant Angel Morgan cheekily deduced that of one of her Beyond the Veil guests at Toronto’s Factory Theatre on Friday, October 13. Morgan was using her abilities to call on guides to bring messages to guests from their loved ones. “What vibrationally challenged meant […]
Toronto’s Spadina Museum explores death, spiritualist movement for Halloween
Toronto’s Spadina Museum is embracing its after-hours ambience for the Halloween season. After Dark Tours: The Dearly Departed is a nighttime experience that will explore the historic connections between death and Victorian spiritualism. It’s a topic that administrator Alexandra Kim said has the team excited, especially given the vibe the […]