

Toronto producer seeks ghost stories from the night shift

Things that go bump in the night have become Toronto-based associate producer Tobin Long’s bailiwick. Bristow Global Media, the producers behind “Haunted Hospitals” and “Paranormal 911”, is putting together its third paranormal series that focuses on how our senses are more in tune when the sun goes down. “Paranormal Night […]


‘Paranormal 9-1-1’ provides platform for first responders to share uncanny tales

There’s a stigma that faces first responders when sharing their own tales of the inexplicable. It’s an observation co-founder of Entityseeker Paranormal Research, Morgan Knudsen has made while appearing on docuseries like “Paranormal 911” and “Haunted Hospitals”. “The medical field, in general, isn’t usually open to talking about this at […]


Toronto-based producer seeks stories for Season 2 of Haunted Hospitals

The greatest challenge facing “Haunted Hospitals” producer Tobin Long is finding the stories Canadians have to share. “I find the Canadian stories really interesting. I find Canadians a little more reserved, cautious. They’ve already gone through the filters of being skeptics,” the Toronto-based documentarian said. “They haven’t fully bought into […]