Guest Columns

Guest Columns

Paranormal myths and the pitfalls to avoid

Becoming a paranormal investigator is not a decision that should be taken lightly or without having given it serious consideration. Through the course of investigating the afterlife, a paranormal investigator can be subjected to physical assaults, psychological attacks and spiritual dangers such as attachments, oppression and even possession. It has […]

Guest Columns

Paranormal research, pareidolia and the necessity to debunk

Like many scientific fields, the paranormal is governed by rules, scientific theories and experiments. This composite patchwork, combined with elements from mathematics, physics and quantum theories, is defined by a particular vocabulary. Some words are unique to the paranormal subject, while others are borrowed from other fields to define key […]

Uncharted Case Files

The trials of filing an ATIP request in Canada

Before we get started, If you haven’t read my previous article, I recommend you read it first before moving on. Accessing information and publicly undisclosed files from the Canadian government requires patience, persistence and a bit of due process. It’s not like they’ll hand over any information without reason. Once […]